Waste Water Treatment Plant
City of Presidio – Presidio, TX
Project consisted of modifications to existing lift station No. 3 to accommodate present and projected design flows, 16,200 L.F. of 16” PVC SDR 26 sewer force main, lift station with 1918-gpm capacity pumps, two 6-acre integrated facultative ponds with clay liner, six 2-acre constructed wetland system with a combination of sub surface and free water surface wetlands with clay liner, headworks structure, UV disinfection system, 4000 L.F. of 12” effluent disposal line, plant piping and appurtenances, access road, office and lab building and other appurtenances. We prepared environmental and value engineering reports for USDA, contacted the International Boundary and Water Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine flood protection and obtain a permit for discharge of dredged or fill materials as Utility Line Activities into waters of the United States. Project was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) through the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).